Jason Gardiner

Empty place, no thing is stirring
People come, a moot occurring
Change their form, by different clothing
Crack of twig, the stragglers hove in.
Meet and greet, the hands a shaking
Litter cleared, the layout staking
New ones shy, small talk a making
Smiles of glee and no one’s faking.
Spark of life, a new fire glowing
Light the dark, old Evil going
Altar set up, circle forming
Backs are cold, but faces warming.
Call the old Gods, power’s pending
Cast the circle, calm descending
With words and deeds, air is roiling
Through our spells, a mist uncoiling.
Songs are sung, our words unfurling
Essence rises, orbs are swirling
Minds are strong, and hearts are mending
With these tools, the veil, we’re rending.
People come, a moot occurring
Change their form, by different clothing
Crack of twig, the stragglers hove in.
Meet and greet, the hands a shaking
Litter cleared, the layout staking
New ones shy, small talk a making
Smiles of glee and no one’s faking.
Spark of life, a new fire glowing
Light the dark, old Evil going
Altar set up, circle forming
Backs are cold, but faces warming.
Call the old Gods, power’s pending
Cast the circle, calm descending
With words and deeds, air is roiling
Through our spells, a mist uncoiling.
Songs are sung, our words unfurling
Essence rises, orbs are swirling
Minds are strong, and hearts are mending
With these tools, the veil, we’re rending.
This is what I am

This is what I am
And this is how I pray.
This is how I welcome
And this is how I say.
This is for the morning
And this is for the night.
This is for the greeting,
And this is for the fight
This is how I walk about
And this is how I slay.
This is how I think of you
And now... I walk away.
Point to self
Opens arms
Point to mouth working
raise hands to sky
point to brain
stroll hands behind back
pretend to write
hands to heart
leave circle
Jason Alex Gardiner Mabon 2011