April 2013
Rituals - Right and Wrong?
This morning I found a lovely message from a friend, asking my opinion on ritual. As I answered the enquirer, I thought it might be useful to share this with my friends and a wider audience. Obviously I can only speak for myself: a small example of what ritual could be.
Ritual, in the long and breadth of it, is connecting with divinity, in whatever form you wish to perform this and to whomever you may direct it.
I light a candle on my altar each day, and I ask 'my girls' for health and peace for all that may have need of it, protection for my loved ones, your loved ones and loved ones all over the world. I ask for harmony and contentment in the community. I thank them for their continued presence in my life and for their vigilance in watching over me. I tell them that they are my goddesses and I am their priestess – now and forever. So mote it be!
Quick, easy, straight from the heart - my energy centre. I feel uncomfortable when I haven't done it. I know many Pagans do something similar, I know Pagans who do it differently, it matters not!
What matters is that the person is focused, filled with love and its energy, and that this projects into the wider world. Whatever you say or do, however you say or do it – is your business, and let no one tell you otherwise. For that purpose you may want to explore different options, different ways until you found what works for you. As long as you do it with honour and integrity, nothing is “wrong”.
This morning I found a lovely message from a friend, asking my opinion on ritual. As I answered the enquirer, I thought it might be useful to share this with my friends and a wider audience. Obviously I can only speak for myself: a small example of what ritual could be.
Ritual, in the long and breadth of it, is connecting with divinity, in whatever form you wish to perform this and to whomever you may direct it.
I light a candle on my altar each day, and I ask 'my girls' for health and peace for all that may have need of it, protection for my loved ones, your loved ones and loved ones all over the world. I ask for harmony and contentment in the community. I thank them for their continued presence in my life and for their vigilance in watching over me. I tell them that they are my goddesses and I am their priestess – now and forever. So mote it be!
Quick, easy, straight from the heart - my energy centre. I feel uncomfortable when I haven't done it. I know many Pagans do something similar, I know Pagans who do it differently, it matters not!
What matters is that the person is focused, filled with love and its energy, and that this projects into the wider world. Whatever you say or do, however you say or do it – is your business, and let no one tell you otherwise. For that purpose you may want to explore different options, different ways until you found what works for you. As long as you do it with honour and integrity, nothing is “wrong”.